Emmanuel Martinez • Jun 04, 2021
Another Cyber Attack disrupts a supply chain, this time a quarter of U.S Beef supply.
Cyber Attack disrupts a supply chain, this time a quarter of U.S Beef supply.
JBS SA. is the newest victim of a Ransomware cyber attack. Their U.S beef plants were shut down Sunday, along with slaughter operations in Australia, and one of Canada’s largest beef plants idled. It's clear that the commodities industry has remained in the crosshairs of hackers. Since May 2020 more than 40 food companies have publicly reported a ransomware attack, said Allan Liska, a senior security architect. JBS notified the Biden Administration of the cyberattack of Sunday, and was offered assistance; it was also noted by the WH Press Secretary that the criminal organization was likely based in Russia. It's unclear how restaurant prices will be affected, but the incident will certaintely delay transactions with customers and suppliers. They reported early wednesday morning that operations have slowly resumed in some U.S beef plants.